Hypnosis, Hypnothesia, & Meditation

Hypnosis, Hypnothesia and Meditation

By Tara Sutphen CHt

What can Hypnosis, Hypnothesia, and Meditation do for you?

Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness. You are put at ease while receiving beneficial suggestions in a relaxed condition.  You will always act on your morality and principles, You never have to worry about having your mind taken over as you have core beliefs and stay within those parameters. You may not feel knocked out or overly suggestible, but you can relax deeply and renew your body, mind, and spirit through this practice.

Change can be hard, but hypnosis lends itself to leading our minds in productive and affirmative directions. Instead of our mind fighting the body. Hypnosis is always a good antidote and it is enjoyable and very refreshing.

What are the different levels of brainwaves

  1. Gamma: concentration
  2. Beta: Active, Alert
  • Low Beta 12-15Hz

   Quiet Focus

  • Mid-Range Beta 15-20Hz

   Energy Performance

  • High Beta 18-40HZ

   Stress, Anxiety, Arousal

  1. Alpha: Relaxed, Passive
  2. Theta: Deeply Relaxed, Inward Focus
  3. Delta: Sleep

Hypnosis isn’t so much a trance as it is a state of ultra-calm, you feel a bit dazed by the outside world as your focus ability and concentration come into effect. You sometimes feel like you’ve found something you have lost. If nothing else the deep sense of relaxation and concentration ability. In a session, you hear only the hypnotist’s voice and you are compelled to follow along. You come into a vivid mind and your inner clarity can release or analyze issues, feelings, and/or events. 

The Levels of Hypnosis

  1. Novice – Light hypnosis. You may need to acquire the know-how. You may not feel like your hypnotized but if you see your hypnotherapist regularly or record and listen to your hypnosis sessions, you will notice outward changes. These can be good changes, such as breaking bad habits (smoking or losing weight) When you learn to trust your mind more, you can work on harder tasks. (Success, Accelerated Learning, etc)
  2. Advanced Beginner – Connected to the “know-how” you begin to develop a cohesion of the senses and consciousness in hypnosis, gaining confidence and making effort. REM (rapid eye movement) 
  3. Competent – A feeling of super relaxation. Feeling too relaxed to walk around. You are in your inner mind and developing a bond with your wellness and totality. True Healing begins here on many emotional and physical levels.
  4. Proficient – You could be a somnambulist or learn very fast a skill or talent. You can overcome pain easily. You can heal your body and mind at a very fast pace. Discipline is key. 
  5. Expert – In tune with All the senses. You can work at a Theta Level on your health and well-being. This is exceptional attunement to your essential nature.

Here are some stages to a Hypnotherapy session.

  • Convey Problems, Phobias, and Issues –
  • Convey Hopes, Wishes, and, Wanted Changes +
  • Relaxation position
  • Induction
  • Deeper into a state of relaxation
  • Therapeutic process
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Beneficial Suggestions
  • Anchoring
  • Awakening
  • Homework/Practice


Hypnothesia is an easy way to get to your desired goal. There is no homework involved. The suggestions are given while you are in a mild state of anesthesia by a medical doctor, a trained MD Anesthesiologist. Tara, then instructs you to receive your consideration list that she has carefully prepared with you. They are a list of your very own suggestions. This is what I call the fast fix. It could be to help overcome your trauma, drama and failed efforts. 

Sometimes it gets hard to achieve desired personal and outwardly successful results because your inner compass stalls or takes your will power into a negative direction. Food addictions, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, boredom, unhappiness and depression all lead to a sluggish lifestyle. Sometimes it’s the opposite of slow, and many find themselves chasing their dreams in the wrong directions and being hyperactive and over-reactive. 

Hypnothesia is a new brain-mind technique where we override your conscious mind to get to your deeper self, addressing directly your blocks or issues, suggestions can be made into your subconscious mind; allowing a more positive and productive approach to your desires and goals. Example: If you want to quit smoking, I’ve found the client dreams of smoking but they put out the cigarette in their dreams, never desiring another cigarette after their session. 

If you want to eat, sleep, or overcome a problem properly. You can get on track with your health, and strength in mind and body easily in this way. Maybe you’ll find that Hypnothesia will be the answer for you.  


When in meditation you can find yourself daydreaming. Try to guide your thoughts into positive scenes and outcomes. And the best is to come back to your silence and inner peacefulness. If you are full of anxiety or frustration, you are to set those feelings aside and come back to your center. The real you. The human that God Loves no matter what…Hypnosis and Meditation are safe and enjoyable experiences.

If you don’t want a personal appointment, there are Mp3s available. 





Hypnosis MP3s and Guided Meditations


To Book an Appointment 


+1-424-781-7103 –  leave a detailed message


Attuning into the Present

Attuning to the Present

by Tara Sutphen

Attuning oneself to be present, while in the knowledge of the past and future is mindfulness. You can sit with yourself for a moment, meditate if it feels right and bring yourself to check in. Monitor how you feel, what you want, why you want it, is the day a good day and how to change it, if it isn’t. You are to be in the what’s happening of the “Now”.

Your assignment is to create a resolve by keeping your mind moving forward in a reassuring direction. Quieting your inner chatter. Calmly listening to your emotional harmony on a deeper level. Tuning into your heart beating. Integrating with the natural sounds around you. Attune… to you and your inner light.

Breathe deeply and practice being open and free from obstructions. The only thing that matters right now is your breathe and heart rate. You will be receptive upcoming of handling each new experience in an effective and conflict-free way.


  1. Sit or stand comfortably with your eyes shut or gazing for a few moments or minutes, breathing deeply, being relaxed and at ease.
  2. Listen easily and gently to where you are, and your environment around you. Remember to let the noise calm you, as you reframe it and allowing your viewpoint to change.
  3. If you start to challenge and chatter at yourself, bring your attention back to something lovely or positive. (no judgement, gossip, disharmony or bills, as they don’t matter in this moment).
  4. You are to give yourself a sweet talk and say, “I’ve got this”, “keep smiling”, “dare to be different”,“there are solutions near” “be the bigger person”, “You are strong”, “life is beautiful”, “life is an adventure”, etcetera.
  5. Practice being mindful in different locations. Needing to regroup is normal and should be done a few times a day.
  6. You’ll notice you have much more composure if you practice mindfulness.
