Letting Go of 2020

Letting Go of 2020

Denying my face to be seen

Breathing with a mask on

Eating my survival supplies

Not exercising enough

Fear of unbelievable news

Fear of failure

The need for certainty

Creative insecurity

Working hard, Or not at all

Self doubt and hesitation

Fitting in or being rebellious

Wearing pajamas during the day

Skipping meditation

Being overly self reliant

Dimming my light

Making a sandwich with wheat bread

Wondering if I’ve done something wrong

Wondering who’s behind all this

Remembering the good ole days (2019)

Anymore you want to add?

#tarasutphen #tarainsight #happynewyear2021 #2021 #2021wecantwaittomeetyou

Let Go of Past Blocks

There it was, the image of a young woman hung from the rafters. I knew it was a “witch hanging”, there were layers of petticoats and a dress with a white apron. A sweet young maiden, not a witch at all, she was a nurse and made medicines. Rigor mortis had set in and the feet were purple-black. I didn’t look at the face, I just saw the back of her. Her light brown hair cascading down her lifeless body. 

I was in a Reiki session with Liz Young. I’d asked to “clear any lingering blocks from this life or past lives”.  Liz lays her hands on me, and all of a sudden it’s like she’s using a strong commercial vaccum suction. I start seeing all these visions of men and women in precarious situations. I remind myself to get rid of the cellular residue of however I’m associated with all of it. The energy and odd items are floating off of me, like space debris and shooting past Liz. I’m in pain and wanting to cry out at times. But I keep telling myself “don’t scare Lizzie”. 

I don’t stay with the hanging image, I don’t connect with the place or her name. I just go to the next inner movie, the next set of images and suffering that needs to be cleared. For me I realize it’s my need to release physical pain. I see these stoic, brave and courageous faces of myself in other incarnations, I may have found myself at wrong places and undesirable times, but my valor seems to be a running theme. 

We’ve been having to deal with times of Covid. Every one in the world is changing their way of doing life and love. I listen to Hypnosis Mp3s every day, as a Hypnotherapist I know how important it is to keep our minds in a clear and progressive state. I’ve trained Liz as a hypnotist, and now I get to experience her Reiki session. I’m going to call her “Hoover Liz” from now on. 

 Don’t we all just want the blocks and issues to be sucked away into the ethers! Liz moves to a next area on my body, “touch me, don’t touch me… I steel myself to be ready”. 

Then I feel someone attached to me, my ex-husband Dick Sutphen has been dead for a month, he loves my work. We worked together for 32 years. He’s nestled by me, I tell “Hoover Liz” I need to gently extract Dick. He’s asking to work with me, but he needs to do his heavenly process and I tell him, I’m sure we’ll be connected in the same “soul tribe” on the other side. You still have a lot of work to do. Visit me and our children in our dreamstates. 

The next day I feel really refreshed. Thank You Liz.

Liz Young is visiting in California. She can do phone readings as well. Contact her: +1-727-470-4849 http://www.lizhealer.com

0* Cancer New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice

By Tara Sutphen

0* Cancer New Moon (no moon – starry dark sky, the time of dreaming), culminating June 21, 2020 on Summer Solstice with an Annular Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are about change and solar eclipses are about getting a gift of some kind. It can be to bring something exciting or illuminating into your life.

This Cancer New Moon is about your emotions and finding balance in your home life. How might we use the eclipse to change our personal world to the one we really want to be in. Where we use our heart, and figure out who and what is important. While using your instinctual nature to center yourself, take a moment to find your balance. This can be taking a deep breath. We all have wants, needs, and desires. Where best do we activate our personal power to recognize and flowing toward life being an easy ride instead of upward battle or game of strategy. When our instincts are in a quandary, we find our self to be irrational and irritable. When we take 60 seconds to breathe and pause. 

Let us come back to solid ground. To Calm thoughts: your life starts in the

home — your wellness starts from the home, beauty starts from the home, success starts from the home. And… spirituality starts from the home. This is why it’s important to create a sanctuary and wholesome life. When you walk out your front door with “structure” you can find your next level of wellness, happiness, success, and love. Inner formation of strength and vitality renews your spirit to conquer an outer world.

Often seen in the eyes of our elders we must be reasonable or have something to trade. Be it time and energy to an actual craft. We must stay open, tuning into our primal survival instinct and our conscious motives. We must conform to what is good for us, helping us sustain our home life and feelings of emotional stability. If everything is going wrong for you, what is going right for you. Where are you not listening to the inner workings of your heart, of your wants, your mind, your goals and your treaties. Those compromises you’ve made to be living the life you are living right now. You’ve made choices and now find yourself where you are. Look at your feet and know this is where you stand. Look in the mirror and see deeply into you. Look at your hand and know what do you do well.

Journal Questions

-Natural Behavior:

List a positive and a negative trait you posses with each word

  • Attainment
  • Circumstances
  • Conduct
  • Development
  • Enjoyment
  • Enlightenment
  • Growth
  • Happiness
  • Human condition
  • Journey
  • Knowledge
  • Lifestyle,
  • Participation
  • Personality
  • Realization
  • Suffering
  • Trials

and tribulations

  • Way

of life

-Natural  Instincts:

  • Basic Human Instinct – survival, help and support others to be supported
    • Hunger – Could you hunt for food or grow a garden?
  • Are you hungry for love and fulfillment. You know when you feel right about things or feel wrong. Tune into your inner knowing again. It takes some practice. It will help you overcome moving too fast or too slow or stalling when you should be acting.

-We often say we are confused and don’t know what we want, but it may be that we don’t know how to get what we want. 

So we settle…

  • What home would you like to have?
  • What “home life” would you like to have?
  • Are you living in the right place?
  • Why if so or if not.
  • What type of land do you like?

-Make a fantasy of a house, what kind of land it’s on, what it looks like on the outside, what it looks like in the inside.

  • How many bedrooms
  • Do you allow guests
  • What are your electronics
  • What are your toys
  • Pets
  • Beloved | spouse | partner | gf/bf
  • Friends
  • Relatives
  • Children

-List anything that would make for a happy home.

When you are faced with problems, do you freeze, crumble or go into action

-Life’s Details, Actions & Results

How are you going into action on your problems right now

  • Make a list and write a solution to each problem

-Are you happy with the results so far in your life

  • When were you happy
  • What were you doing then
  • How can you readjust to a happier now for the same result

-Are you making the most of where you live

  • Home
  • Environment
  • City or Town
  • Country

-Where you are standing

Stories:  2 sentences or more

  • Where are your feet
  • Create a fantasy on where your feet should be.
  • Make a realistic scenario where your feet should be.

 —Release a mindset and old communication style on what  doesn’t work in an effective world. How do you move about in your environment to acquire confidence, and constructive acts or good manners. Where can a Revelation or two give meaningful thought to create purposeful achievement. How can we use the eclipse to change. You’ve been speaking since infancy but are you getting your needs met. Is your life is in working order. You may feel you are at your base instinctual level seeking to survive. It isn’t about crying in the wilderness, it’s the show of strength in human involvement and evolvement. Finding the real voice, unlocking ourselves into how we should be and not how we think we should be.

Here is the website to see the Solar Eclipse. http://www.timeanddate.com

The annular solar eclipse will won’t be completely blocked out, it will appear to have a solar ring. This has been called “the ring of fire”. It takes several minutes for the moon to pass in front of the sun but the total eclipse lasts less than a second. The path of the annular solar eclipse takes it across Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia on Sunday, 21 June.  This phenomena will not happen again until June 21, 2039.

Starts8:45 pm PDT
Total (Start)9:47 pm PDT
Maximum11:40 pm PDT
Total (End)1:32 am PDT
Ends2:34 am PDT

Since this day sits on Midsummers Eve, the Summer Solstice and American Fathers Day. 

Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Litha

By Tara Sutphen

21st June

“In the world’s audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeams, and the stars of midnight” – Rabindranath Tagore (Indian Poet, Playwright and Essayist, Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, 1861-1941)

-Summer Solstice marks the end of the waxing year. And the rays of the sun directly strike one of the two tropical latitude lines. June 21 marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, as winter begins in the southern hemisphere. On this day, the earth’s “circle of luminescence” will be from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic Circle. The equator receives twelve hours of daylight, as there will be 24 hours of daylight at the North Pole and 24 hours of darkness at the South Pole.

-All over the world people honor this day as an important reminder of the apex of light and to cast away evil and their problems. Northern Hemisphere inhabitants use June 21 as the day of celebration, but the splendor of light lasts from new moon to full moon.

Worshipping the Sun’s great power, all cultures celebrate in some way. Celts and Slavs dance around bonfires while Chinese marked the day honoring Li, the Goddess of Light. The celebrants of modern and ancient ceremonies tune in that life comes from the sun. It is life giving and life supporting. We’ve recently had the good fortune to have electricity, greenhouses, and shipment suppliers. How will you celebrate? We all may not get a chance to dance around the bonfire but it’s a time to bask in the light, sit in the sun, cast our worries away and awaken to our lives.


Summer Pasta Salad

2 cucumbers chopped

2 big tomatoes chopped

1/2 red onion chopped

5 tbsp lime juice

4 tbsp cilantro (coriander)

2+ tbsp honey


2 cups shell macaroni (optional: gluten free)


Cook pasta, drain. 

Combine lime juice, cilantro, honey, salt & pepper in small bowl. 

In a large bowl, combine pasta vegetables. Toss gently in lime dressing.

Dill Pickle Pasta Salad

1 (16 oz) pkg large shell pasta (optional: gluten free), ½ c. dill pickle juice plus 4 tbsp. pickle juice (divided), 2/3 c. mayonnaise (optional: veganaise), 1/3 c. sour cream (optional: plain yogurt), Salt & Pepper to taste, ¾ c. sliced or diced dill pickles, ¼ c. onion, 2 tbsp. minced fresh or dry dill spice, (optional: 2/3 c. diced or grated cheddar or almond cheese)

Directions: Cook pasta to pkg specifications. Rinse & drain cold water, add ½ c dill pickle juice, set aside, In another bowl, add 4 tbsp dill pickle juice , mayo, sour cream, salt & pepper (optional: dash of cayenne), Drain off excess pickle juice from pasta and mix with dressing, chill one hour and serve.

Spinach-Strawberry Salad

Yield: 4 to 6 servings 1/2 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 1 tablespoon poppy seeds 1-1/2 teaspoons minced onion 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1 bag (10 ounces) fresh spinach 1 pint strawberries, sliced thin In a blender, combine the sugar, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, onion, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, oil, and vinegar. Blend well. If the dressing seems thick, add a few drops of water.

Remove the stems from the spinach and tear the leaves into bite-size pieces. Arrange them on individual salad plates or in a salad bowl. Arrange the strawberries on top. Drizzle the dressing over the strawberries and serve.

Bonnie Brae Strawberry Pie

A mixture of cooked and fresh berries helped make this pie a family favorite.

1 quart strawberries or 1 large package frozen strawberries, thawed and drained 3/4 cup water 4 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup sliced berries, fresh or frozen, thawed and drained whipped cream whole berries for garnish Combine strawberries and water in saucepan. Cook until just softened, about 4 or 5 minutes. (Let frozen berries thaw; heat but don’t cook them.) Mix together cornstarch, sugar, and water until smooth; add to hot berries. Cook over medium heat until clear. Add lemon juice; immediately remove from heat and let cool. Place sliced berries in cooked pie shell. To assemble pie, pour cooked mixture over berries, top with whipped cream, and garnish with whole berries.

Old-Fashioned Buttermilk Wedding Cake

Yield: Makes 12 to 16 servings.

1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened 3 cups sugar 4 cups cake flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 cups buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon butter flavoring 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 6 egg whites Preheat over to 350° F. Grease and flour three 9-inch round cake pans. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Pour in buttermilk and begin mixing slowly. Continue to mix until well blended. Add flavorings and stir. In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Fold the egg whites into the cake batter. Divide the batter evenly among the prepared pans. Bake for 20 minutes at 350° F, then lower heat to 300°F and bake for about 25 minutes longer, until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Remove cakes from oven and cool on racks. After 10 minutes, remove from pans and continue cooling on racks.

Cream Cheese Frosting 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 3 cups confectioners’ sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract No wedding needed to have this cake

Other food /drink ideas –

mint iced teas, dandelion salads, strawberry shortcakes, geranium leaf sorbet, berry pies


The Druids celebrated with “The Wedding of Heaven and Earth”.

Two people represent Mother Earth and the Sun King. Create a Bonfire, dancers adorned in garlands and flowers, and young men jumping through the tall flames. A time of cleansing and renewal. The participants playing Mother Earth and the Sun King go to each participant, and speak to each person as though planting seeds of growth, imparting words of love, wisdom, thankfulness and prosperity.

Candle or Bonfire Ritual

With a candle or your bonfire – Give blessings in the 4 directions. Cast a blessing for yourself, a blessing for the harvest, a blessing for your loved ones, and a blessing for the earth. (make this blessing 3-5 sentences long for each subject) A Call to Love

Single women are to sleep with 4 flowers under their pillow Flowers:

Flowers blooming in your area, also daisies, roses, lilyof the valley, calendulas, marigolds


daisy chains, lavender wreaths, rosemary garlands Head wreath

Circle base, thin gauge wire, or vines and tie or wire on flowers of your choice Symbols:

Fire to celebrate the power of the sun, Sun Wheels, Medicine Wheels, Stone Circles, Candle Circles, Mother Goddess, Ripening fruits, Sun Dials, Feathers, and Swords/Blades. Candles:

Green & Blue representing the earth White representing God light


App for iPhone | iPad

Rotating 32 meditations to choose from every month. Add the App from your iPhone or iPad store and experience working on goals, success, wealth and health.  Soon to be offered to Android.

Item : The Sacred Circle USD $ 10.99

Meditation By Tara Sutphen

Following Tara’s “under the stars” induction, you travel to a sacred stone circle in the middle of a meadow. Here, in the center of the circle, you meet a beautiful woman dressed in chiffon. As she chants, you experience an expanding vortex of power within: “Where light meets darkness … where the beginning encircles the end … where joy nullifies pain … we now choose to slip between the worlds beyond time, beyond space, and we invoke the positive powers of the Universe to assist us to manifest our desires.” Chakra balancing is followed with an inspiration ritual in which you open your heart and mind to the limitless positive potentials of life on earth. You withdraw an object from a box that relates to your purpose. Walking counter clockwise you recall a happy event from the past and transmit the vibrations into the present. A clock becomes a symbol placed in the circle to assist you make the most of your valuable time. Much more. 30 Minutes.

TS216 — $10.99 (MP3)


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by Tara Sutphen

Beltaine is the “Celebration of the Light”,the light time of the year. The dark time being remembered by Samhain. May 1 is the day in the middle of the spring and the summer equinox’ (15*Taurus). May Day is the time for love and the happiness of summer on it’s way.

Beltane | Beltaine is a celebration of the union of souls, The union of minds, and the union of bodies. The earth mother calls her progeny to replenish the earth. Flowers decorate hair and everywhere. Maypole ribbon dances, with two circles interweaving around a decorated tree or pole, clockwise dance circles. Bonfires or candles to spark the sacred fire of union and fertility.

Druids and Pagans raised the Beltaine fires on hilltops on May Eve, the fires were lit in order to bring the sun’s light down to earth. Earth awakening from it’s long winter nap and the flowers are in bloom and frolicking abounds. Joy alights your body, mind, and spirit, the colors become brighter, you see the best in everyone, casting away all worries and doubts you collected over the winter time.All nightmares become daydreams of love, hope and harmony.

Beltaine or Beltane is an anglicization of the Irish “Bealtaine” or the Scottish “Bealtuinn.” — “bel,”brilliant”, “tene” “fire”

Things to do on Beltaine alone or with a group

Create a Beltaine circle or group

Buy or Pick flowers


maywine (alcoholic or non alcoholic)

Candles, Fireplace, Bonfire — Lighting a fire with a blessing

May pole (you can use a tree if you don’t have a pole) garnish w. greenery and flowers – tie long ribbon

If you create a May pole, make lots of wishes while you walk clockwise into your future, and at the end of wrapping the ribbon say a blessing for yourself and end with “to love and be loved, So it is”. If the tree/pole ribbons pretty and sturdy enough you could leave until Samhain.

Some of the questions that you can ask your friends or family are:

What were the highlights in your winter? Everyone must come up with at least one if not several highlights. What are the dreams to enliven your spring and summer? Every one should convey their intentions for the summer.

Making Maywine


• 2 bottles of dry white wine

• 2 cups strawberry liqueor

• 5 thin orange slices

• and/or

• 1 cup sliced strawberries

• 12 sprigs of woodruff

• 1 teaspoon sugar (more or less, as preferred)

• Edible flowers (to be added after all ingredients have been mixed together)


Soak the dried woodruff overnight in the wine.

Add the rest of the ingredients, stir with a wooden spoon, and let it steep for an hour or so.

Serve very cold, with edible flowers floating atop in the punch bowl.

The taste is both sweet and fruity.

Non-Alcoholic version: Substitute sparkling water and grape juice, sparkling water and apple juice

American Heritage Dictionary

wood·ruff  Audio Help (wŏŏd’rəf, -rŭf’)  Pronunciation Key


1. A fragrant perennial herb (Galium odoratum) native to Eurasia and North Africa and widely cultivated as a shade ground cover, having small white flowers and narrow leaves used for flavoring wine and in sachets. Also called sweet woodruff.

2. Any of various plants of the genus Asperula, having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers.

Woodruff is sold in the herb section at markets and nurserys..

Edible Flowers

Alliums…chive flowers


Basil Flower Blossoms

Broccoli Florets. those little yellow flowers

Citrus Blossoms


Rose Pedals

Johnny Jump Up


Mint Flowers


App for iPhone | iPad


Our Collective Consciousness with Covid

Transformation with Tara

Guest: Matthew Engel

Friday May 1, 2020 9am Pacific | noon Eastern

title: Our Collective Consciousness with Covid

Tara will interview Matthew Engel, he is a transpersonal therapist and coach, intuitive astrologer and hypnotherapist who uses an integration of tools to assist people in achieving the deepest levels of healing and life transformation. Matthew supports executives and entrepreneurs in aligning their business with the most expansive expressions of their souls. He has worked with a diverse clientele for 23 years and is available for remote sessions:


FB LIVE Contact Talk Radio page

Metaphysical: Meditation — This Weird Chick’s Blog

By: Paula Bianchi – I figured since I’m always talking about meditation, I should write an article about it. At first, I was going to be all technical and give you a blow by blow history of what meditation is, and how long people have been practicing it. Let me just say, it’s been around […]

Metaphysical: Meditation — This Weird Chick’s Blog


Mystic TrainingPsychic, Mystic Training, Tara Sutphen, Seminar, Psychic Seminar, Mystery School, Sedona, Arizona $495 Book Now

November 2-3, 2019

In Stunning Sedona…Become magical as you get in touch with your Mystic Guide and find true inspiration, guidance, and aid in your deepest desires. Tune into the sound of the earth, go on guided meditations with Tara, explore the vortexes and more! Learn to see and hear on a deeper level in life. Share the experience with others on a mystical journey within…manifesting Psychic Ability in your lives!

Location Details provided upon booking! Hotel not included, there are many gorgeous places to stay in Sedona. Email us for suggestions at any price point. Shuttle from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to Hotels in Sedona.

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Happy Full Super Blood Wolf Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Super Blood Wolf Moon (Native American) at 0* Leo will culminate, January 20, 2019 9:17pm pacific/12:17am eastern (Farmers Almanac). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (94.8% illuminated), 12.6 days old and at a distance of 369002 Km (229287 Miles).Km (249331 Miles). This Leo Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse. When we have an eclipse, it’s time to change or let go of something holding us back. Take time to meditate on what you’d like unblocked or cleaned up in your life as It brings something exciting or illuminating to each of us. The “Blood” moon will be seen in a Tetrad phase of light, the same phenomenon observed every sunrise and sunset. They call this moon, the Super Blood Wolf Moon, a super moon is only 8% bigger than normal, but when it first appears at the skyline you can see the illusion of how huge it appears!

This Leo Moon is creating a rebirth, you are wanting to start over on some of your dreams or revising what hasn’t worked. What has hindered you from getting what you want. Do you know what you want. It could be that you are missing pieces of your success formula, your health regime, deep wisdom, extra knowledge or your love techniques, but whether it’s learning a new skill, getting your health in order or experiencing love, designing your future is in the works. What has held you back is going to be surpassed with the eclipse. If you’ve been struggling you’re going take charge again.

It’s as if you’ve been brought a gift, and it’s exactly what you need.  Remember to close your eyes and accept the best. Not only does your courage swell but you are renewed and given more than what you need. You’ll think, you are making up your mind, but it will be deeper than that, it’s your soul goals getting back on track. We have many opportunities to reboot and we don’t want the universe kicking our butts, we really want to make the best decisions for ourselves. So we’re given the chance to come back to a reawakening, but remember when we were born we had an innocence and a readiness to be on the adventure. We are to bring the lost parts of ourselves back into our soul essence, our willingness to play the game of life. We think there are tricky ways to do that, but it just takes common sense to rebalance our inner nature. 

Journal Questions:

3-5 sentences+ for each question.

For the eclipse, what are you needing to change or get out of your life




Actual person


Career change





Money problems

Bad habits


Health problems


-How can you rebalance:

People problems

Money problems

Relationship problems

Health problems

Personal issues

Bad habits


Career problems

Past choices



Where are you most ambitious:











inside maintenance

outside maintenance

person maintenance

place maintenance

thing maintenance

Your new viewpoint:

acceptance of yourself 

acceptance of others

Spending too much time on others and not yourself

Spending too much time on yourself and not on others

Forward movement toward positive activities

Forward movement toward negative activities

-Time management, how long with each:











-When creating calmness in your life:

Breathing deeply a few times a day

Drinking more water

Taking a walk



Writing in a Journal

Creating a solution

Creating plans

Giving Hugs

Offering Smiles

Saying nice things to people

Waving here or there to people

Enjoying a color

Enjoying nature

Enjoying architecture

Complimenting your kids

Complimenting everyone

-Can you clearly say this is what I do now and I like it or I’d like to see a change:

What are you doing now

What job will you have next year

What job will you have in 5 years

What job will you have in 10 years

Do you stay with a career

Do you change careers often

Do you like jobs

Do you like responsibility

Do you like to be a boss

Are you a good boss

Are you a good employee

What makes you happy

When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up

What is your career

What is your self confidence

What is your earning potential

What is your verve for life

Are you a winner

Are you sometimes winning

Are you winning yet losing

Are you losing but close to winning

What could make you win

What could make you content

—-What are the areas we feel held back, it can be emotions or regrets, physically not being strong enough, or a lack of motivation. Can you pinpoint where you’ve been held back or is it vague.  Did you stop going for what you want and started accepting what came your way. Sometimes its a natural course just to wait to see what shows up, want more but you’re content with what you have, and when I say have it’s not physical things, it can be the wife/husband or children you wanted, the jobs that are good and maybe you struggle but you’re content. You eat well and thankful for what you do have. Your house isn’t big but you can survive. And maybe you want more, you might strive to have more or surprised you do. What brings you satisfaction, how do you strive. May be you are never satisfied and wake up with a hunger everyday and can’t figure out what it is… The flame within your soul is to be reignited, your verve, your ideas, talents, solutions and decisions are to be seen. Whatever is dormant is now active.

*How to become powerful: You must have role models to emulate, you don’t always have to be liked but you must fulfill what people need. You will have to have a “Strategy and Skill”. You will keep strategizing, knowing how to guide yourselves and others into growth and abundance. Be careful as you can end up working in boring jobs for many years and gain no real power or prestige. You can be wanting recognition. But there is only one thing to remember and again plan for, power has “an end”. You will be usurped by the younger generation or go out of vogue in some way. If you can be fair and aboveboard, you’ll gain respect along with money. You can keep going forward, having a great life, well earned and be treated nicely in old age.

*Using your Intuition: Using your intuition and psychic ability to move forward. Feeling good about the decisions you make. Knowing when wrong feelings happen they can indicate going in a wrong direction.

*When meditating, remember you’re going to go past your mind and it’s set ideas, and proceeding toward the heart, taking it deeper, releasing false sentiments and just float in your divinity, going deeper and deeper to your very essence. Reaching into the core of your being. Shift into knowing you will begin to float in calmness as the eclipse takes away anxiety and confusion, replaced is gifts of knowledge and wisdom, quality of time and being one with your adventure on earth.

—– “We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.” – Henry David Thoreau – American Poet and Philosopher 1817-1862



repost if you want

Item : The Sacred Circle
USD $ 10.99
Meditation By Tara Sutphen   Following Tara’s “under the stars” induction, you travel to a sacred stone circle in the middle of a meadow. Here, in the center of the circle, you meet a beautiful woman dressed in chiffon. As she chants, you experience an expanding vortex of power within: “Where light meets darkness … where the beginning encircles the end … where joy nullifies pain … we now choose to slip between the worlds beyond time, beyond space, and we invoke the positive powers of the Universe to assist us to manifest our desires.” Chakra balancing is followed with an inspiration ritual in which you open your heart and mind to the limitless positive potentials of life on earth. You withdraw an object from a box that relates to your purpose. Walking counter clockwise you recall a happy event from the past and transmit the vibrations into the present. A clock becomes a symbol placed in the circle to assist you make the most of your valuable time. Much more. 30 Minutes. TS216 — $10.99 (MP3)


Paperback https://www.amazon.com/author/tarasutphen

paperback – https://www.amazon.com/author/tarasutphen
Where you’ll be able to catch the Lunar Eclipse January 20-21, 2019

Full Blood Buck Moon

Full Blood Buck Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Blood Buck Moon at 4* Aquarius will culminate July 27, 2018 1:20pm pdt/4:20 edt (almanac). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (97.9% illuminated), 13.4 days old and at a distance of 405039 Km (251680 Miles).

With this Full Blood Buck Moon there is a Total Lunar eclipse and in opposition to Mars. The Red Planet will appear brightest from July 27-31, as it makes its closest approach to Earth in 15 years. Mars will be a mere 36 million miles from Earth. When meditating with a lunar eclipse contemplate upon releasing an ailment, problems or controversy. it’s better to make the choice then allowing the universe to make your decisions. We make an effort to set our personal intentions.

The Blood Moon is indicative with a lunar eclipse and is a tetrad phase, where the suns light is refracted to appear red on the shadow.

Mars is also at 4* Aquarius and with the red planet accompanying the Blood Moon, it will clearly be quite a celestial event. It also is the longest eclipse so far in the 21st Century.

It is a time to set yourself free from what mentally has been holding you back. We have stamina and sustainment for life and it’s offerings. Looking toward the future, making new plans for your job and home life. Creating specific goals for health and conducive living day to day. You can heal on an in-depth level body, mind and soul. This is a reset button, it’s been a painful process but now it’s time to change course to continue goals and fulfill your purpose.

How to plan ahead:

• Determine what you want

• Pros & Cons

• Detect your Dislikes

• What is Real, Hypothetical, or Dramatic

• Worst case Scenario

• Best case Scenario

• Possible Actions

Journal Questions:

Write in your journal for the full moon and throughout the month.


· Do you remember your night time dreams?

· Do you pay attention to your daydreams?

· Do you have wishful thinking?

· Do you have expectations?

· Do others have expectations of you?

Are you someone who moves your wishes into action?

· Do you feel you create a plan and easily bring those plans into fruition?

· How do you do it?

· How do you feel when you accomplish what you want?

What areas do you feel accomplishment?

(write a sentence, paragraph or more)

· Money

· Love

· Friendship

· Family

· Happiness

· Wisdom

· Knowledge

· Exercising

· Eating well

· Good Health

· Fun

· Beauty

What is your first impression about yourself in these areas?

(write a sentence, paragraph or more)

· Money

· Love

· Friendship

· Family

· Happiness

· Wisdom

· Knowledge

· Exercising

· Eating well

· Good Health

· Fun

We get a second chance to gain a burst of energy to make plans and create goals. Determining what we use to like before all the conditioning and programming began, it’s time to readjust and know we’ve been given a break. It’s all viewpoint and we can now head toward our dreams.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive , and go do it. Because he wold needs people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman – Theologian (1900-1981)

Within a Native American teepee, a Medicine Woman directs a sacred healing journey. Excerpt: “She pours a small amount of earth into the center of your palm, explaining that Mother Earth will take care of her children if allowed to do so.”

Through touch, she analyzes your state of health. This is followed by pressing points from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet — energizing your body and mind. You’re wrapped in a medicine-soaked warm cloth and experience a chanting, humming ritual. “Experience the rituals and feel the poultices upon your body. They’re drawing out all that you desire to be gone … healing you … healing you.” More rituals are performed, and you will perceive a personal healing message, guided by spirit. 30 Minutes.

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